
Monday, December 3, 2018



Advertising is a form of communication. The type of communication carried out is mass communication. It is said so because advertising is a communication activity aimed at many people who are not recognized (anonymized) and are heterogeneous (in social, economic, cultural, and educational backgrounds, as well as recipients (communicants).
In carrying out its communication, advertising has various styles both in the presentation and content of the ad itself. In the development of the wearer, the ad contains a great meaning about something that is served, offered or sold. Ads can be divided into two types, namely commercial advertising and notification ads. The first type specifically used in the field of commerce is to inform products that are mass produced to the public. That is so that people are moved to buy or consume these products. Thus a balance occurs between production and consumption. The second type is a notification about job vacancies, customers and student / student acceptance in an educational institution.
In relation to the world of advertising, it is widely used by advertisers in the ad execution process. According to the science of advertising communication has the meaning as the process of delivering messages from communicators or deliverers of messages to communicants or recipients of messages through a media with the aim that the communicants are interested, choose and buy. Advertising is not just a member of information on a product (ideas, services and goods), but advertising also has the nature of encouraging and persuading people to like. It seems that there will be a commercial purpose (seeking profit) in the display of an advertisement.
-       How is the structure of advertisement analysis follows the CDA pattern used by Margaret Wetherelle?
-       What is organization of the entire text?
-       What the image that advertisement wants to build?
-       How the image process that advertisement want to presents?
-       Who Is Being sidelined by the advertisement?
-       What the matters that are ignored or absent in advertisements?
-       How to build the relationship of the text?
-       To know how is the structure of advertisement analysis follows the CDA pattern used by Margaret Wetherelle?
-       To know what is organization of the entire text?
-       To know what the image that advertisement wants to build?
-       To know how the image process that advertisement want to presents?
-       To know who Is Being sidelined by the advertisement?
-       To know what the matters that are ignored or absent in advertisements?
-       To know how to build the relationship of the text?

A.    Critical Discourse Analysis Applied To Advertising
CDA can also be used to critically read an advertisement which is certainly inseparable from ideology, values or certain interests. It's just that in advertising is a special form of communication, meaning first, communication whose message must pay because each word requires an investment; second, advertising is a form of communication that is postponed, meaning that time and place are separated by the media. The delay occurs between the conception of the message and its communication; and third, advertising as communication that demands something, meaning the audience does not expect or not in the situation of receiving. Therefore, the audience must be greeted / convinced to see or read the message to be conveyed.
So here will be explained the steps to make a critical discourse analysis and also what elements need to be taken into account to dismantle the values, interests or ideology that are hidden behind this discourse.
1.      The structure of the Chevron ad analysis follows the CDA pattern used by Margaret Wetherelle.
a.       See how the overall narrative of the text organization; how are clauses connected to one another; grammar and semantic forms of clauses; then rephrase the words used.
2.      Organization of the entire text.
The big theme displayed by this ad is an irrefutable statement: “pendidikan membangun masa depan yang cerah” with large letters printed in black with a yellow background. Advertising always has to lead to consensus, so that there is no resistance or invasion. So easily this ad reader will agree with the ad statement. Usually the sentence has an impersonal structure, meaning there is no subject of the culprit. Such impersonal sentences are usually followed to avoid resistance due to certain subjects. Then there are two striking differences in writing this theme is the verb “membangun” framed with red lines above and below, while two words “…yang cerah” written in letters that are twice the size of other words. Once again this statement wants to sympathize and bring the reader to agree. Then under the statement there was a statement written in small letters but quite striking because of the red color “kami setuju”.
Of course two red lines that frame above and below the word “membangun” not separated from the red color statement “kami setuju”. “kami” of course it represents Chevron who claims to be an American oil company that “setuju” to play a role “membangun” a bright future for young Indonesians. Visual semiotics can be seen in photographs of young people who look at the bright future shown through photos of polytechnic students with cheerful smiles in blue jackets (typical polytechnic uniforms), brown skin and yellow hijab to show the majority of Indonesia's indigenous population are Muslims.
Chevron agreed “membangun masa depan yang cerah”through education. The form of development programs in the field of education that Chevron has been running are written in white letters in the lower left part of the page: Teknologi Informasi. Elektronika. Teknik. All three are written each using a point instead of commas, as if each of them would like to affirm themselves as a distinctive field that becomes a pillar of progress. Then the next sentence again emphasizes the important technical role with the sentence “inilah keterampilan teknis yang dibutuhkan perekonomian modern”.
Then Chevron's services were revealed in collaboration with the Riau and Aceh regional governments: opening polytechnic schools, and graduating more than 2500 students without the specifications they had worked where, but instead boasting that graduates in public statements could not be verified, namely “…angkatan kerja baru yang mampu memimpin Indonesia memasuki masa depan”. The characteristics of this advertisement always negate the resistance and bring it to consensus, so this ad also makes a general statement like that so that it does not cause doubt / suspicion or provoke objections.
The vocabulary used reflects optimism: membangun”, “keterampilan teknis yang dibutuhkan perekonomian modern”, “bermitra dengan pemerintah daerah”, “membuka sekolah-sekolah politeknik”. The use of these expressions clearly shows the process of realization to realize the goals of development because with these expressions, there is a plan, cooperation and realization of the program. While the terms “masa depan yang cerah ”and “angkatan kerja baru yang mampu memimpin Indonesia masa depan” as if to make sure that the form of realization of these ideals has already taken place.
·         Example 2 of Organization of the Entire Text
The big theme displayed by this ad is the campus promo with the tagline “Kampusnya Eksekutif Hebat”  with all capital letters with varied backgrounds, light blue and brownish yellow. Match words ‘Eksekutif’ which is identical as an elite class in the social strata based on the word campus as part of educated people (academics).
Brochure makers are more focused, the amount of administrative funding that must be paid "first time only" to take part in the lecture (not explained the details of the overall payment of tuition min. Tuition fees etc.). The first in the bottom corner of the image ,”Untuk yang membawa potongan iklan ini akan mendapatkan potongan harga Rp.1.750.000,”  in fact, this price discount may not have an effect, if finally the price for the first registration and semester fees exceeds the length of the discount. Similarly, with the lure of subsidies in light blue boxes, Untuk  Pendaftar sampai akhir Bulan Juli, akan mendapatkan subsidi Rp.2.500.000,-“ More honestly if this brochure provides information on D3 programs than those contained in brochures, one and two year programs.
The testimony of one of the graduates of AKUBANK is intentionally loaded as an attraction amplifier, a sun column on the side of a woman who is bertestimoni, equivalent she said “Lulusannya 100% sudah diterima kerja”. This also basically must be verified through data. The 100% percentage must be proven by data, at least which institutions or banks provide employment opportunities for alumni or institutions or banks where alumni place their careers after attending lectures. The contents of AKUBANK alumni's testimonials, “Banyak pengalaman dan wawasan yang saya dapatkan di kampus AKUBANK apalagi dengan fasilitas Minibank-nya yang sangat ekslusif jadi bisa lebih handal lagi deh kalau udah lulus dan siap terjun ke dunia kerja.” The sentence arranged in this testimony shows an experience that is in line with expectations, but it is not specific to talk about what insight and experience the expert gets.
The mini banks reviewed were not very clear, whether the campus minibanks were all customers were students or campus-owned minibanks whose customers were also the general public. The minibank function, as a pre-employment training laboratory or only limited to campus facilities, is used when there are practical needs. The vocabulary displayed in this campus advertisement / brochure emphasizes low costs with expensive competencies to be obtained in college. Although basically, the initial costs for entering the lecture could be camouflage from the expensive actual costs. Evidently, with several price bids starting from discounted prices from advertisements, to the form of subsidies provided to registrants. While terms like “lulusannya 100% sudah diterima kerja” as if to make sure that the future is in the hands.
3.      Image Built
We (in this context are companies) are what other people see and think. According to Henslowe said the image as an impression that grows based on the level of knowledge and understanding of the facts of a product, someone or company.
In the context of the company, it characterizes the image as an individual's perception of action, activity , achievement of a company. Image is a mental reperentative of the meaning of an object formed in consumer memory. The image is usually associated with a combination of influences from the association owned by a product/company, or is a consumer's perception of the association of companies that are tangible and intangible (not clearly stated). The consumer forms images through the synthesis of all signals or associations produced by brand / company names, visual symbols (can be logos and slogans), products, advertising, sponsorships , articles which are then developed and interpreted by consumers.
1.      The image that Chevron wants to build
Chevron did not mention himself as an oil drilling company, even the label labeled in the Chevron symbol called "Energi Insani" . This name gives the impression of being environmentally friendly and familiar with humans. Efforts to distance themselves from the impression of the causes of environmental pollution are very carefully built. Concern for the environment is not only the natural environment, but especially the social environment, is the population. So concern for the education of the young generation around the oil mining area seems to be the main program targeted by Chevron.
2.      The image that AKUBANK wants to build
AKUBANK as if giving a label that quality education institutions are those who have bright prospective alumni (work careers). AKUBANK wanted to show that the college does not need a long and field practice takes precedence.
4.      Presentation of the Imaging Process
1.      Presentation of the Imaging Process to Chevron
Chevron attended to mention the cost of support in the education sector originating from the CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) budget. Thus, as if the assistance arises from his sincere concern, even though it is actually because it is required by law. Chevron also touches the most sensitive field in Indonesia, namely education. Many college graduates in Indonesia find it difficult to find work in their fields. By focusing on Information Technology, electronics and Engineering, Chevron seemed to want to answer the weaknesses of education in Indonesia that did not answer market needs, but avoided calling on graduates to work where. It only reveals optimism but cannot be verified. In these ways, Chevron imagines that its presence is beneficial for the development of education in Indonesia, at least for residents around oil drilling sites.
2.      Presentation of the Imaging Process to AKUBANK
AKUBANK avoids mentioning the overall cost details. Thus, the registrants did not hesitate to study there. In order not to be too convoluted with limited info provided contact person that tends to be not concentrated in one contact person. Educational institutions that should be imaged for the place of learning, finally collided with the problem of education itself, namely the absorption of employment.
5.      Who Is Being sidelined by this ad?
1.      Who Is Being sidelined by Chevron ad?
It is rare that residents around drilling work in oil companies, especially as qualified workers. Then assistance is given to local residents for artisan education and training, not qualified experts. If only working as a rude worker. What percentage of profit is really known. Is the contractual agreement involving the population or is it only the central government and how is the profit sharing allocated? The advertisement also marginalized the role of the Riau and Aceh regional governments because it impressed the two regions to only receive assistance because it was not called what donations were given by the two regions. there was no expression of indebtedness to the Indonesian government that it had been given the opportunity to explore and exploit oil mines in Indonesia so as to give them the impression they were generous and we owed him a favor.

2.      Who Is Being Sidelined by AKUBANK ad?
In this campus advertisement / brochure there is no class that is marginalized.
6.      Matters That are Ignored or Absent in Advertisements
1.      Matters That are Ignored or Absent in Chevron Advertisement.
First, Chevron did not call itself an oil mining company. If this is said, Chevron will reduce the value that is highlighted, namely concern for the education of the local population because it will appear that there is no other problem with reciprocation. Second, that the budget for financing this education originating from CSR is not at all mentioned because it will show that what is done is merely carrying out the obligations regulated by the law. The absent also in this advertisement is that the education graduates are accommodated to work where, how much is the percentage accommodated to work and what percentage can not find a job. It is also not clear about the financing of educational sites, all of which are borne by chronron or sharing the burden with the regional government.

2.      Matters That are Ignored or Absent in AKUBANK Advertisement.
First, AKUBANK avoids mentioning the details of overall costs. If this is called, it will reduce the value that AKUBANK wants to highlight, which is someone's interest in registering if there is no detailed overall cost. Second, too much information about the contact person, so it tends to make the ad reader confused to determine which one should be contacted first. And seen from the problems that exist in educational institutions, namely about what jobs are obtained after graduation.
Text linkages include representing, connecting, identifying and judging.
A.    Assessment
Assessment is making a decision about something good and bad.
-          In the Chevron advertisement there are the following judgments:
It is implied in the analysis above that the text constructs Chevron's concern for the education of young people around the mining site. The construction of an oil company that seems to want to share profits for the advancement of the surrounding community, even though it is only a small part of the profits. His assistance is also described as being very focused and concrete, namely training and educating skills, electronics and engineering. The concern turned out to be also the skill fields needed by the modern economy.
-          Whereas in the Chevron advertisement there are ratings as follows:
It was written in the analysis above when the text contained human concern for the education of young people around the place of establishing educational institutions in the case of AKUBANK. Construction of AKUBANK which seems to be willing to share profits for the people even though it is only a small portion of the profits gained. The help is very concrete and focused. Namely training and educating various benefits for the community. This concern also revealed that their assistance was right in the field they needed.

B.     Representation
Refresentation is a social process that is related to the pattern of life and culture of a particular society that allows for a change in the ideological consumptions in a concrete form.
-          In the Chevron advertisement, there is a presentation as follows:
The text gives a presentation on the philanthropic side of chevron, that this oil company is not represented as a company driven by competition for efficiency but pursuits generous and concerned about the progress and welfare of the population around mining, Chevron's representation is not too striking except the logo with "human energy" and visit Chevron.com/we agree ''. There are no photos of oil refineries or offshore drilling. All of which are reminiscent of the exploration and exploitation of Indonesia's natural resources removed.
-          Whereas in the AKUBANK advertisement there is a representation as follows:
The representation of the campus that moves in the banking world is not an ordinary campus, but there is a spirit of competition for efficiency in pursuing the market benefits referred to in educational institutions as a commodity of typical labor force models from campus in engineering, economics, acquisitions etc.

C.       Relationships
-          In the Chevron advertisement, there is a relationships as follows:
Social relations are knowledge relationships that one knows and generous informs those who do not know that they have been helped. those who know show that they have done a lot for the progress of Indonesia and the welfare of the nation through education. But unlike commodity ads that want to sell something, this ad is an imaging effort, so the reader is not pressed to buy, but to understand Chevron's generosity and concern.
-          Whereas in the AKUBANK advertisement there is a realtionships as follows:
Relationships contained in the advertisement above are social relations which are knowledge relationships that one knows and the other tells them they don't know. Campuses that intend to print a workforce prioritize material efficiency and time for their educational institutions. They seek to recruit prospective students with bonuses, subsidies, and images that lead readers to be interested in re-implementing dissemination. This is considered right, especially if the brochure circulates after the moments of the PTN exam also called the SBMPTN / SMPTN. Where private campuses offer bargaining services for those who don't graduate. Besides that, the limited absorption of labor in this era has caused them to compete in establishing educational institutions that can at least "keep" the dream of success for scholars.

D.    Identification
-          In the Chevron advertisement, there is a identification as follows:
Chevron constructs itself as a partner for advancing the education of local residents. Chevron is well aware that education is a social reproduction strategy to pursue the most rational social ladder and the key to the progress of a nation. Chevron's pragmatic vision in terms of education is indicated by a statement at the beginning: "Information Technology, Electronics, Engineering and Technology. This is the technical skill needed by the modern economy ". This pragmatic education vision ignores the humanities, history and literature. The purpose of education is first to meet market needs rather than more humanize humans and the quality of human habitat.
Readers are not explicitly identified or construed in the text, but the reader is explicitly constructed as having shared value and approving Chevron's pragmatic vision of education. Of course readers are also constructed as people who agree that the nation's progress can only be achieved through education, especially technical skills education in the fields of information technology, electronics and engineering. The bottom line statement in the red letter "we agree" can be intended not only to represent Chevron's voice, but also the attitude of the reader.
-          Whereas in the AKUBANK advertisement there is a identification as follows:
Identification AKUBANK instructs itself as a partner for the survival of employment opportunities for academics who take management, accounting and banking studies in the midst of the intense competition of private educational institutions. AKUBANK said that the hardest problem facing our country is the limited employment and capacity of the workforce that are not equipped with skills or practice in the field. The vision of modern education is how this workforce is ready to become a commodity worker of modern capitalism. According to them, the main education goals, when they are able to fulfill market and commodity needs, agree with Paolo Faire.
Concluding, this reader of AKUBANK's brochure / advert is directly under construction, and agrees with AKUBANK's pracmatic vision of education. Of course the reader also agrees that limited employment opportunities for the new workforce are limited, and the reader also agrees that the nation's progress can only be achieved with education, especially education in technical skills in banking, accounting, management which has gained a position as part of the elite class. And, once again nadir education is placed as a commodity facility to absorb labor no longer speaking as a medium for the creation of creatures / individuals who have the potential to stand alone and optimize all their potential for mutual benefit.
                Advertising is one form of communication that has developed in accordance with the lifestyle that is placed on the product. For example, adverts for teenagers that are used are more formal, carefree, and even use language. In teh advertisement of sariwangi kekomunikatifan language is formed through creative words. In other words, the creativity of the people involved in advertising is very supportive of the success of an advertisement.

Haryatmoko. 2016. Critical Discourse Analysis. Jakarta: PT Raja Grafindo Persada.

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