
Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Small Research: In a movie “ Me Before You ”

Small Research: In a movie “ Me Before You ”

1.      Data 1 (Amflikation)
Bsu / source languange
Bsa/ Target Languange
Me before you
Diriku sebelum bertemu dengan mu
 In my opinion, this data using amplication technique, because there is addition of the word "bertemu (Tsa) " and this form of amplication  be explained in more detail and the reader of its meaning. If we try to translate, naturally we will not understand the meaning "me  before you",  has another meaning and perception.
2. Data 2, Modulation
I dont think I can finish this
Aku fikir ku tak bisa menghabiskannya
Reason : In my opinion, the sentence using a modulation technique. Because a change of structural point of view.
3.  Amflikation dan Pure borrowing
170 calories
Ini sekitar 170 calori
I think, this data using the amplication technique, because  there are addition of the word "ini sekitar" in Tsa,  and pure borrowing techique because the word of “ calorie “ is written with calori by the translator in Tsa.
4.      Reduktion, amflikasi and Idiom
You are warm, chatty, and life enhancing
Pribadi hangat, cerewet, dan pintar membawa suasana .
This data using amplication technique, idiom, and also reduksi.
Amplication technique:  because any addition of the word "pintar".
 and life enhancing is an idiom and interpreter interpreted as "pintar membawa suasana" and the meaning of life enhancing  is having apositive effect on one's life. So i can conclude that is an idiom (life ennhancing)
5.  Idiom dan modulation
Given she’s worked like a trojan in that cafe.
Menyuruhya bekerja seperti budak di cafe itu
a. Given is a passive form, while inside Bsa turns into an active form. So the translator using the mandatory modulation technique is there a structural change from passive to active.
B. The word “trojan” mean as a dog or virus, it appears the translator chooses diction words appropriate to our culture, better known helpers, we can understand its meaning after reading the word before and after. Impossible, the word trojan is translated into a dog (similar) inside Bsa, because of course very unusual and his diction is not right.
6. Natural borrowing, dan mandatory modulation
Miss clark, what should I employ instead of say the previous candiddate?
Nona clark, mengapa aku harus memperkerjakanmu, dibandingkan dengan kandidat lainnya?
Reason:  Natural borrowing
The reason why this data using the natural borrowing technique, because the translator translates the word candidate into “kandidat” (different writing and spelling but the same pronunciation) of course this is natural borrowing technique! the translator selects the diction, which the reader is not surprised by the candidate or this word very familiar. Because it is an applied language that adopted Indonesia.
7.      Transposition techniques           
We are talking about complete loss of the legs
Kita sedang membicarakan soal kaki yang lumpuh total
This sentence using transposition technique. Why? Just look this sentence ! because to a change of phrase in BSu becomes clause in BSa. This technique is where the translator changes the grammatical category.
8.      Amflikation
The hours are 08:00 to 5:00, Monday to Saturday.
Jam kerjanya jam 8 pagi hingga 5 sore, senin sampai dengan sabtu
9.  Reduction, transposition, Mandatory modulation
You might want to wear something a little less revealing
Kau sebaiknya mengenakan  pakaian yang agak tertutup.
Reason: the word of  “want”  in Bsu is not translated. The translator appears to use a reduction technique that reduces or compresses the word contained in the Bsu to Bsa, although the reduction is done but the sentence remains effective. And also use transposition technique to change phrase into clause. Translator also changing the active structure into a fasif.
10.  Pure borrowing
The west coast Will still be up
The west coast akan tetap merangkak
The west coast = the west coast.
11.  Transposition, mandatory Modulation dan reductsion
I’m a fast learner
Aku belajar sangat cepat
Reason : Modulation is mandatory  because change the structural from passive to active (passive in Tsu and active in Tsa). Transposition: the word change in BSu becomes a phrase in Bsa. Reduction of word a in Bsu is not translated in Bsa or There is a reduction of words.             
12.  Reduction
And i only live on the other side of the castle
Dan aku tinggal didekat kastil ini.
Reason: because the translator reduces the word in Bsa (Only)
13.  Amflikation and redction
Now, you see, this is what we could be doing on a holiday. Not all the hiking up mountains stuff you are planning
Sekarang,  apa kau lihat, ini yang bisa kita lakukan saat liburan. Bukannya  pergi ke pegunungan, seperti rencanamu.
Reduction : we see translator appears  add "what" in TL, and also reduces the word "a" in source languange.

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