
Tuesday, October 30, 2018


Arranged to fulfill the task of
English Language Teaching Research Course

1.1   Background of The Study
            In recent years, education in Indonesia has been a complicated topic from teacher, student and the system is already valid. It caused by implementation 2013 curriculum and various against from some institution in most of Indonesia region. One of the polemic is that teacher are prohibited from giving homework for students. In July 2018 ago, Indonesian minister of education  and culture in Medcom.id state that “If you have implemented complete learning, there is no need homework” while give permission for some region to implement. The statement supported by education authorities in Blitar, Jawa timur release Surat Edaran (SE) or announcement about schools are prohibited from giving homework so that student have time to learn in family and society, based on regional.kompas.com.
            Homework based on Cooper 1989a defined as any tasks of assigned to student by school teachers that are meant to be carried out during nonschool time. In Rethinking Homework Best Practices That Support Diverse Needs book write about homework that is in generally, homework viewed as a positive practice and well received as a student routine (Vatterott, 2009).  In addition, homework also influence of student achievement significantly in positive statistic based on Cooper, Robinson, and Pattal noted (Pickering, 2007). Teacher of English as a Foreign Language for over 12 yeras in New York said that homework is an extension of the study room which lets in students to internalize data that has been offered in elegance (Painter, 2003).
Cooper, Robinson, and Pattal 2006 states in Wenshu Li and friends’ journal that homework is one of the most necessary parts of students’ outside class learning, helps student to think critical about their environtment’s knowledge, build their own insight and brainstorming system, and commonly encourages to overall academic success (Wenshu Li, 2018).  Homework will help parents attention to sit beside their children and monitor their progress. In general, the more our civilization demanding the parents to fullfil living experiences so that they can hand over all of the education only in the teacher domain. Whereas, parents’ support really helpful the student’s achievement. Somehow, teachers aspect will get the impact of it. They would enable to plan new instructional materials and classroom activities according to information of strengths and weakness by students’ homework. (Amiryousefi, 2016)
            However, the news that have been exposed above make this topic become perennial topic in debate’s education. Most of the expert and researcher argued that homework has important’s role for learners in daily life and also give some benefits but on its way, there are a great deal of researcher against with homework. One of them is books written by Bennett and Kalish (2006) The Case Against Homework: How Homework Is Hurting Our Children and What We Can Do About It who tell us about the advantages and disadvanteges from quantity and quality side of homework. They give explanation about prove that homework spend students time with their friends and especially their family. Teachers only give homework from the books without comprehend how to make a good assign homework. They may think about the pshycological aspect where student need to learn in their communities and do not just stay in their desk.
            Last Agustus 2017, Chief of Yogyakarta Education Authorities, Edy Heri Suasana in okezone.com convey that “There is already a commitment not to give homework to students whose schools have implemented five school days. The goal is not to increase the burden on students”. It means that homework make students cannot maximal interact with family and their comunities. So that implicitly said that the 2013 curriculum prohibits homework. In regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic Indonesia Number 81A of 2013 concerning Implementation of Curriculum declare in part C about Learning Load Settings where learning load on the package system consists of face-to-face learning, structured assignments, and independent activities. In structured assignments there is a time allocation of 25 minutes in one lesson (45 minutes). Therefore, it should be utilized as effectively as much as possible so that students can manage the rest of their time at home that is scanty to socialize with others.
            Field facts about another effect of homework is emotional students. When there are million striving from teacher and governments’ expectation which faced by student create some stress phenomenon among students. Stankovska, Dimitrovski, Angelkoska, Ibraimi & valbona Uka called it academic stress. They defined academic stress  as, “The anxiety and stress that come from schooling and education” (Dimitrovski et al, 2018 p. 158). It involves studying, homework, tests, exam, and extra-curricular activities.
            Moreover, this problem not only regarding the prectitioners and teachers side but also students in generally. Looking at student’s perceptions could give other perspective to see about this. Perception, according to Oxford Dictionary describe that it is an ability to perceive or way of seeing or understanding. Therefore, perception is a process of human interaction and how do they judge an object around them. Every students has a different perception even though in the same object because they have differ character, mindset, and cultural background. Full days phenomenon in 2013 curriculum being the reason for the emergence of this issue. Students spend their time from early morning till late afternoon in the school. While some of the students may think that giving homework is not a good way, tiring, and less effective.
            Follow up on the different perception among the students, the writer would like to analyze and observe their perception. It is important to expose because student perception also will determine the success or failure of the policy if applied in this country. They have to know students’ feeling and response towards prohibition of giving homework to students at school.
 Based on the statement above, researcher intend to conduct research with the title “student’s perceptions toward the implementation of ‘no homework at school’”

1.2    Research Question
Based on the background of the study, the research is formulated in question as follows:
1.      What are students perceptions toward the implementation of “No Homework at School”?
2.      Is there effectiveness implementation of No Homework based on student perceptions?

A.     Perception
A.1  Definition of Perception
Everyone has different perception or often uses this word to deliver what their mind say. Perception has a great deal of definitions such as  perception is a process from observation result and case in any moment through estimation, view, smell which is then interpreted (Siregar, 2013). Meanwhile Haykin in his books told that perception is the sensory evaluation of incoming streams of stimuli, geared toward mastering the underlying physical attributes that represent the environment in an on-line manner (Haykin, 2012)
Perception investigation needs of any feature of the world and we should to analyze firstly the available sensory cues. The mechanism of sensory may be innate while there is no ambiguity in the stimulus that inspires a given reaction (Yantis, 2002). Moreover, in development of perception be discovered that there  are an incremental principle is approximately the malleability of persona and behavior. It is primary thing that perception formed through pernsonality and behavior.
A.2  Components of Perception
In daily life, environtment is directly influenced by the new data recieved with the system or Cognitive information that already stored in memory. Perception process is made up by two components (Haykin, 2012):
1.       Recognition, getting back relevant information about the environment who has stored in memory with the aim of representing past data.
2.      Categorization (classification), whether the new data is correlated with the memory.

A.3  Process of Perception
Psychologists divide operations of perception (Haykin, 2012) as follows:
a.        Bottom-up (feedforward) link
In this part, there are two operations involves Retrieval ( old memory represent features learned about the environment exactly from past stimuli) and Updeting (old memory in bright of new information about the contained of environment in the incoming stimuli).
b.       Top-down (feedback) link
The aim of this link is that acquisition of the new memory by environmental scene analyzer.
                 Perception according to explanation the expert above that it is looks like two sides of a coin where there are positive and negative. Because human will analyze every object, do selection and interpretation to see what are they wants. If that is positive thing then they will enjoy and feel fun but if the other side is negative so they will have negative point of view about something.
B.      Homework
Since education started in this world and appeared some innovations in teaching and learning process, homework also has relation in education. The contribution usually figure out some problem more and more among students, teacher, and parents. Homework as one of learning out-of-school who has not yet received the serious attention (Milgram, 2000). Homework designed for student to prepare, practice, and review what the tomorrow lesson. In some opinions homework has become similarities with ‘doing the worksheet’ and for many parents homework is about ‘getting the sheet done’ (McGowan, 2009).
According to Joshi Vineet said, “Homework is a revision of what has been thaught. Homework in its true sense has fulfilled the need to read, write and learn by rote method” (Joshi, 2013 p. 1). It would contained the space between lessons so that student still continuing to work the lesson in their home.  Yet, teacher should to arrage the homework with some criteria (Painter, 2003) as follows:
1.       Make it fun
As well as we know, student in secondary or across age lavel will happy if the tasks is fun and they can enjoy with it. For instance, read novels, watch movies, or free disccusion.
2.       Make it relevant
Homework needs useful or not for students because they have imagine power really big. So, teacher have to creative and critical to assign homework.
3.       Match students’ learning preferences
Leaners are really self-aware and confident to following their own path. And some of them has different way such as they need to work in group, or learn with listening some music, enjoying learning with reading novels, and probably they love to drawing doodle, let them make own homework.
B.1  Benefits of Homework
               After analyzing and implementing the criteria of homework, its also provide some benefits even though many against from all over the people. There are some benefits of homework  among them are as below (Painter, 2003):
a.        Students retain class-thaught language
b.       Reinforce what they have learnt
c.        Develop study habits which ultimately allow them to develop as independent learners
d.      Their cognitive understanding of language increases
Homework is the way student prefer to do their tasks and encourage children to learn at home with great condition (Milgram, 2000).

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